Omnichannel Experiences

Best Practices for Omnichannel Experiences

Sometimes you may need to deviate from these guidelines for Omnichannel experiences, but you should aim to follow them whenever possible to keep your Engine API implementation as effective and as efficient as possible.

  • Make as few calls as possible to the Engine API to minimize round trips and maximize load time for your application.
  • Use the top-level "channel" parameter to identify your account instead of the separate "account", "domain", or "instance" parameter inside the monetate:decision:DecisionRequest event. Doing so allows you to report events without requesting a decision.
  • Call the Engine API as early as possible for initial decisioning, provided that the context needed for the decision is available.
  • Persist monetateID/deviceID, preferably monetateID.
    • For pure Engine API implementations, such as server-side integrations or mobile apps, there is no way for Monetate to set the mt.v cookie.
    • Your application code must keep track of the Monetate ID.
  • Build your application around the decision requests for flexibility. You don't want to have to redeploy every time you do something new.
  • Maintain a fallback in case no experiences are running or you experience issues connecting to Engine API (such as "driving through a tunnel").
  • Send all applicable events, especially for pure Engine API implementations.