Omnichannel Personalized Search Action Request
Here is an example of an Engine API request for an Omnichannel Personalized Search action.
See Calling the Personalized Search API for full details about Personalized Search requests.
The response to this request appears much like the following example.
The configuration of the recommendation strategy selected in the Personalized Search action may require you to send certain context events in the request. If the selected recommendation strategy is configured with the Viewed and Also Viewed or other collaborative recommendation algorithms, then the option selected from Base Recommendation on determines what context events you must include in the request.
The following table contains guidance for which context events you must include in the request when the recommendation strategy uses a collaborative recommendation algorithm, based on the option selected from Base Recommendation on in the strategy configuration.
Base Recommendation on | Event Required |
Item(s) viewed on current page | |
First item viewed on current page | |
Last item viewed in any session | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Item(s) viewed in past sessions | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Item(s) currently in the cart | |
Abandoned cart items in past sessions | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Last item carted in any session | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Item(s) purchased in current session | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Item(s) purchased in previous sessions | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Last item purchased in any session | No additional events required so long as the customer's unique identifier is associated with a previous completed purchase |
Item group ID(s) in custom variable |
See User Identity Persistence in Requests for more information about passing unique identifiers for customers in Engine API requests.
Here is an example of an Engine API request for an Omnichannel Personalized Search action that's configured with a recommendation strategy powered by the Purchased and Also Purchased recommendation algorithm and with Item(s) viewed on current page selected for Base Recommendation on.