Omnichannel Experiences

Preview an Omnichannel Experience

The Omnichannel experience preview has three testing options:

  • Preview Experience: This preview mimics experience evaluation in full so anyone who views it is evaluated as if they're a normal site visitor. To qualify for the experience, you must satisfy any targets and action conditions associated with the experience. The Engine API also decides what split you should see and then serves it.
  • Preview Variant: This preview allows you to see the content returned by a specific variant. Anyone who views it sees the actions associated with the chosen variant when they satisfy the action conditions. Variant preview disregards any targets set in the experience.
  • Preview Variant with All Active Experiences: This preview allows you to see how your site looks with the variant you've built and all experiences that are currently active.

Using Preview Variant with All Active Experiences will cause your current session to be marked as Stealth. Historical analytics won't be recorded for your session, and your current session's contributions that are visible in real-time analytics will be retroactively removed. See Manage Stealth Groups in the Monetate Knowledge Base for more information.

Callout of the PREVIEW button and the options available from it in the Monetate platform

The experience preview loads in a new browser window or tab. The URL is typically for the account's home page and includes a preview query parameter. The value for the parameter is an encoded preview token.

Here is an example of a preview URL:

In a Monetate JavaScript API implementation, the Monetate tag recognizes the preview parameter, adds it to its own call to the Monetate platform, and then applies the relevant actions to preview.

However, for Engine API integrations you must provide the preview token to the Engine API call.

The preview token is valid for 1 hour.

Omnichannel Experience Preview Request Example