Omnichannel Experiences

Target, Event, & Condition Mapping

If your site leverages the Engine API, you must ensure to include in Engine API requests the information necessary for WHO targets and action conditions.

Target Type Mapping

This table contains the WHO target types and their respective associated Engine API events.

Targets: All targets

Send coordinates for greater location precision. You can send both IP address and coordinates in the same request. Send coordinates for greater location precision. You can send both IP address and coordinates in the same request.

Targets: All targets

Send coordinates for greater location precision. You can send both IP address and coordinates in the same request.

Targets: All targets

Send coordinates for greater location precision. You can send both IP address and coordinates in the same request.


  • Browser
  • Device type
  • Operating system
  • HTML5 capable

Engine API event: monetate:context:UserAgent


  • Screen height
  • Screen width
  • Screen resolution

Engine API event: monetate:context:ScreenSize


  • Custom variable visitors
  • Custom variable visitors with multiple values

Engine API event: monetate:context:CustomVariables

The monetate:context:CustomVariables event is also used in place of custom targets because the Engine API doesn't have access to these client-side targets based on cookies, JavaScript variables, and HTML elements. Therefore, you must pass this information using monetate:context:CustomVariables instead.

Target: New visitors

Engine API event: No event required because a customer matches when monetateId or deviceId isn't present in the request

Target: Returning visitors

Engine API event: No event required because a customer matches when monetateId or deviceId is present in the request


  • Referrer
  • Past external referrer in past hours contains

Engine API event: monetate:context:Referrer

Target: Direct navigation visitors

Engine API event: No event required because a customer matches with the absence of monetate:context:Referrer


  • Initial URL query string
  • Landing page match
  • Last external landing in past hours contains

Engine API event: monetate:context:PageView

The monetate:context:PageView event references the URL parameter for evaluation.


  • Abandoned cart
  • Amount in abandoned cart
  • Amount in cart
  • Attribute of product in cart
  • Product in abandoned cart
  • Product in cart
  • Quantity in cart

Engine API event: monetate:context:Cart

You must also pass a known monetateId or deviceId to sync past session behavior.


  • Attribute of product purchased
  • Average order size
  • Days since last purchase
  • Last order size
  • Product last purchased
  • Product purchased
  • Products purchased in past days
  • Purchase frequency
  • Purchased any product
  • Purchases in past days
  • Purchased on or after specified date

Engine API event: monetate:context:Purchase

You must also pass a known monetateId or deviceId to sync past session behavior.


  • Attribute of product viewed
  • Product viewed
  • Product viewed last visit
  • Product viewed this visit

Engine API event: monetate:context:ProductDetailView

You must also pass a known monetateId or deviceId to sync past session behavior. Furthermore, a product catalog is required for attribute-based targeting.

Target: On-site search terms

Engine API event: monetate:context:SearchView

You must also pass a known monetateId or deviceId.


  • Days since last visit
  • Experiences seen by user
  • Sessions in past days
  • Time on site
  • Visited on or after specified date

Engine API event: No event required because these targets are based on the Monetate session

You must pass a known monetateId or deviceId to sync past session behavior.

Targets: All targets

Engine API event: No event required because lookup is based on the customerId field in the Engine API request

Action Condition Mapping

This table contains the action conditions and their respective associated Engine API events.

Action Condition

Engine API Event


Page type

References the pageType parameter


References the URL parameter


Based on request evaluation time

Cart value

Landing page

Not currently supported

Page breadcrumb

References the breadcrumbs parameter

Page category

References the categories parameter

Product detail page

Product list page

Event/Metric Mapping

Events, such as product views, are counted individually. If this information is recorded by both the Monetate tag and the Engine API, which is possible in a hybrid implementation, the event could be counted twice in the experience analytics. See Retracks and the Average Page View Metric in Page Retracks for more information.

For pure Engine API implementations, all event reporting must be passed via Engine API requests. This table contains the default metrics and their respective associated Engine API events.


Engine API Event

  • Conversion rate
  • New customer acquisition rate
  • Revenue per session
  • Average order value
  • Add to cart rate
  • Cart abandonment rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Average page views

Not currently supported

Average time on site

Based on the Monetate session

API events

Recommendations impressions

Recommendations clicks

Using Action Conditions in Omnichannel Experiences

Similar to Monetate tag–based implementations, you can apply action conditions to the actions you configure in Omnichannel experiences.

For example, if you want an action to appear on a particular page type, click ADD CONDITION, expand the options of the Page type category, and then select Page type =.

Callout of the 'Page type = option' in the 'Page type' category of the action conditions selector for an Omni JSON action template in the Monetate platform

To complete the condition, type the page type into the field and then press Enter. The page type is defined by the setPageType data that you pass to Monetate.

Here is an example request with pageType specified in the monetate:context:PageView event:

Example Request with pageType Specified in monetate:context:PageView