Method Calls


addBreadcrumbs Method

You can use the addBreadcrumbs method to add a breadcrumb trail for a site visitor's navigation. This information allows you to see how the visitor arrived on their current page.

You can use the addBreadcrumbs method on all page types of your site.

The method data is an ordered array of strings. Therefore, you should add each breadcrumb to the array in order.

The addBreadcrumbs method and the addCategories method have similar functionality, and you can them interchangeably.

Monetate Inspector View

This screenshot shows the Components tab of the Monetate Inspector browser plug-in. The Breadcrumbs row indicates that the values passed by the addBreadcrumbs method are the pages visited in order.

The Components tab of Monetate Inspector, with 'Home > Science > Animals' page breadcrumbs in the Breadcrumbs row

This code example contains the method in use that results in the Monetate Inspector results shown in the previous screenshot.

addBreadcrumbs Example