Method Calls


This method call is only available to clients using the Monetate Travel API.

addHotelBooking Method

The addHotelBooking method passes information from your site to Monetate when a customer completes the purchase of a hotel. This method consists of 10 mandatory attributes and five optional attributes.

Required Attributes

These attributes are required with the addHotelBooking method:

  • checkIn — A string that includes the check-in date for the hotel stay in YYYYMMDD format
  • checkOut — A string that includes the check-out date for the hotel stay in YYYYMMDD format
  • city — A string that includes the city where a hotel was searched for
  • country — A string that includes the country where a hotel was searched for
  • guests — An integer that includes the total number of adults and children staying in a hotel room
  • rooms — An integer that includes the total number of hotel rooms searched for
  • purchaseId — A string that includes the order ID for a purchased hotel
  • pid — A string without spaces that includes an internal ID used to identify a hotel
  • quantity — An integer that includes the number of hotel rooms booked
  • unitPrice — A string that includes the price of the hotel in the format XX.XX

Optional Attributes

These attributes are optional for the addHotelBooking method:

  • adults — An integer that includes the total number of adults staying in a hotel room
  • children — An integer that includes the total number of children staying in a hotel room
  • region — A string that includes the state, province, or region where a hotel was searched for
  • type — A string that includes the type of hotel room searched for
  • currency — A string in the ISO 4217 standard (three capital letters and no spaces) that includes the currency used to book the hotel