Calling the Personalized Searc...


An AUTO_SUGGESTIONS request returns results—both suggested search terms and products—as the customer types each character in their search term. Therefore, a Personalized Search API call is made each time the customer types a new character. Personalized Search is both typo-tolerant and word order–toleratant, so it's able to return suggestions even when the customer misspells one or more words (for example, headlites instead of headlights) or puts the words of a search term in an unusual order (for example, chairs outdoor instead of outdoor chairs).

The recommended interval to wait between auto-suggestions request calls is 250 ms on key presses and 30 ms on focus.

Body Parameters
The set of parameters that define an auto-suggestions request.
Example Auto-Suggestions Request

Auto-Suggesting Products

In addition to suggesting search terms as the customer types, Personalized Search can suggest products within the auto-suggestions results. To use this function, add the recordQueries object to the request, with the value of its typeOfRequest parameter defined as "SEARCH".

Here's an example of an auto-suggestions request to include products in the results:

Example Auto-Suggestions with Suggested Products Request

Refer to the recordQueries definition in Personalized Site Search Query Request for more information about its required and optional parameters.