Create a Recommendations Action
Omnichannel recommendations is an integrated product recommendations experience that is consistent across all platforms that you connect to Monetate. Whether a customer is viewing your storefront through a mobile app or your site, Omnichannel recommendations ensure a consistent experience.
You can set up a handler for an Omnichannel recommendations action by using two methods. The addEvents method defines the events that can trigger the action. The getActionsData method is then used as the trigger and requests the decision based on the defined events. getActionsData then returns a JSON object containing recommendations data that you can then handle in code.
You must first create an Omnichannel experience in the Monetate platform for the methods to reference. Refer to Configure an Omnichannel Recommendations Action in the Monetate Knowledge Base for instructions.
Make note of the WHO settings because they correspond to events your code listens for. The example experience in this article uses the following WHO settings:
- IP address is
- Screen height is at least 500 pixels and screen width is at least 300 pixels
The example code in this article fulfills these conditions and will trigger the Omnichannel experience.
This method adds event data to the SDK's internal stack.
The parameters are as follows:
- context is name of the event.
- events is the event data.
You can use this method multiple times to add all the necessary events for an experience you might want to trigger. The example code uses multiple method calls to fulfill the experience requirements.
This method sends the defined events to Monetate to trigger an experience. If the events fulfill the WHO settings of an experience, then that experience is triggered. A JSON object containing the experience response is then returned.
The parameter is as follows:
- actionType is the type of action you want to request. You can specify multiple actions in an array to handle.
- includeReporting indicates whether the response will have impression reporting data.