Calling the Personalized Searc...

URL Redirects

You might want some terms a customer searches for to go to a specific page instead of returning a list of records. For example, if a customer searches for return policy, you want Personalized Search to automatically send the customer to your Returns Policy page. See Create URL Redirects in the Monetate Knowledge Base for the steps to set up URL redirects in the Personalized Search user interface.

Once you set them up, you retrieve and configure URL redirects using the Personalized Search API, allowing you to cache them. After making the Engine API decision request, configure URL redirects by making a GET call to the following URL:

Personalized Search API Endpoint

Here's an example response to the GET call:

Example URL Redirect Response

You can then check for these URL redirects locally instead of making a Personalized Search API call, thus improving performance for these terms.